Krist Novoselić

☮️ Disinformation denouncing valid perspectives as disinformation. ☮️

February 7, 2025

Message on old TV
Old technology

Yes, I read books. Curretly into Aldous Huxley's Point Counter Point. Just reached page 200 of a 515 page tome. I tend to not pick it up for a few days, so it's been a little bit of a slog. Am well into the character development, so sticking with it. Been busy with a lot of stuff. I admit to wasting time on X. Checking in on X once a week is plenty to stay caught up with the world. Now, if I can only put this into practice!👹👽😮

February 6, 2025

Krist on bass
It's fun to rock the bass!

Kind, dear readers may have noticed how my blog declares, "This site is free from Warfare State propaganda!" I don't get money from any government agency. I don't track readers or sell anything to advertisers. This is an old fashioned hand-coded website hosted on space I rent on a server.

I have been concerned with the dominance of propaganda in our media. I have my guesses on how and why the government's narrative is pushed in the media — which is supposed to be independent. For example, I see those commericals for pharmaceuticals and speculate they pay for a lot of the crap which is passed off as reporting. Doctors are qualifed to perscribe medications; so why are they being sold to consumers? My hunch is it's laundering money to the declining legacy media in exchange for pushing government favored fluff. It's the only way those "Ask your doctor about..." commercials make sense to me. (If I'm wrong about this, I am not a journalist and I qualify my statements as "guesses" anyway. I'm willing to learn and admit mistakes.)

There are reports emerging of how a government agency has been funding a news site here in the USA. I know whis agency funds foreign media, which also supports the dominant narrative. This just makes the whole thing terrible, but not surprising, considering the bad information propagated everywhere by the Empire / Warfare State. I will not get into details until, maybe, more revelations come. That said, I am encouraged by this development.


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(© 2025 Krist Novoselić All Rights Reserved) Thank you for visiting my page. This independent site does not track you or sell anything to advertisers. Do not remove and repost material from this site unless specified. This site is free from Warfare State propaganda!

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